One of the benefits of using blogstatic is the ultimate control over every little detail, especially when it comes to SEO.

blogstatic is like running your own CMS. The only difference is that it's ready-made for you and runs entirely online.

A majority of writers using blogstatic — use it for SEO purposes: To grow their company or/and their personal brand.

With that, new requests constantly keep coming in about how blogstatic can better serve your SEO needs.

Today we deployed a bunch of new technical updates.

Below are a few major ones:

  • Authors' landing page now has its own metas
  • Robots can now be set on single-author pages
  • The same goes for category pages
  • Twitter + Facebook Cards can be set for categories
  • Categories can be hidden
  • Visible authors are now part of the Sitemap
  • Non-auth JSON API is updated as well

These are just a few of the latest upgrades.

And you didn't have to lift a finger.

Keep increasing your brand with your writing, and let us know how we can further accommodate your SEO needs.

Always feel free to say with your comments.

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